News updates from the Secretary…
Firstly, if you are intending to come to the SGM on Thursday July 11th, the meeting will start at 6pm and it would be great if you could come early, so that we can start on time. Many thanks.
Next, I have some Wagner at the Proms tickets for sale, from a member whose friend is unwell and can’t use the seats. Details are below. Please contact me if you are interested. The tickets can be bought singly.
22 July Das Rheingold £58.00 Stalls J Row 3 Seat 42
23 July Die Walkure £58.00 Stalls L Row 4 Seat 85
26 July Siegfried £58.00 Stalls L Row 9 Seat 9
4 August Tannhauser £38.00 Stalls L Row 10 Seat 113
Bayreuth ticket for sale
I also have a Bayreuth ticket for sale from a member – for the one-off Das Rheingold on August 10th. The Kartenburo advised the member to sell this ticket on the Internet, but he is kindly offering it to our members first. The tickets is a very good one – priced at Euros 240. Further details on request. Please contact me as soon as possible if you are interested.
Fulham opera orchestra rehearsal
Fulham Opera invite you to attend their orchestral repertoire read-through day of Siegfried Act 1. This will take place on Saturday 13th July at St James’s Church in Hampstead. The orchestra will rehearse from 11am and then there will be a complete run-through starting at 6.30pm.
CAST: Siegfried: Jonathan Finney, Mime: Peter Kent, The Wanderer: Ian Wilson-Pope. Conductor: Ben Woodward
All are welcome to observe as much of the day as you like, for which we request a £10 contribution to cover costs. This can be booked up-front via the fulhamopera website if you like.
A message from the Cercle Wagner of Geneva (plus attachment with further information):
We have the pleasure to send you in annex a special proposition for the participation to the Wagner Festival in Geneva. The corresponding package will allow to participate to several productions of the festival during the weekend of November 1st. May we ask you to consider this offer and to send it to your members. Many thanks in advance.
The festival will start on September 30 and end November 5th.
See http://www.wagner-geneva-
The program of the festival can be viewed on this internet address. On the other hand you have the possibility from now on to book on-line for all productions of the festival (same address)
If you wish to make a hotel reservation on your own we can give you this Internet link.
We would be pleased to see you in Geneva during the festival!
Yours faithfully,
Cercle Romand Richard Wagner (Geneva)
Le Comité
The Secretary