The Wagner Society is a member of and affiliated to the International Association of Richard Wagner Societies (“RWVI” or “the Verband”).
Its website contains a lot of interesting information about Wagner, the activities of the RWVI and our fellow affiliated societies around the world. Here is a link:-
At the following link you will find a list of all member associations of the RWVI along with links to their websites and their contact details:-
If you are visiting or moving to another country either on holiday or for business, you might find it useful to consult the website of any local association which will usually contain details of the events which they may be holding during your visit.
Additionally, you will find details of events of interest to you on the Calendar of the RWVI. As well as showing details of events of member associations it also shows when and where Wagner’s works are next being performed around the world. Here is the link:
You can also find details of upcoming live performances of Wagner around the world at the following link in our Members’ Area:-