Wagner Society’s Singing Competition
In the presence of our President, Dame Gwyneth Jones and Eva Wagner-Pasquier
Sunday 27th November 2016
We are delighted to announce the names of those awarded prizes at the society’s 2016 Singing Competition;-
1st Prize, £2,500 (donated by Richard Miles) – Samantha Crawford, Soprano, – as part of her prize Samantha will be attending the International Bayreuth Scholarship Programme in Bayreuth in August 2017.
2nd Prize, £1500 (donated by Neil King) – Georgia Mae Bishop, Mezzo Soprano
Audience Prize, £250 (donated by Jan Leigh) – Mae Heydorn, Mezzo Soprano
President’s Master Class Award – Samantha Crawford and Mari Wyn Williams
We would like to thank our distinguished panel of judges, Sir John Tomlinson (head judge), Anthony Negus, Peter Spuhler and Eva Märston.
We are also delighted to thank Kirstin Sharpin, a former prize winner, who gave the interval recital, accompanied by Kelvin.
Thanks also goes to our accompanist, the amazing Kelvin Lim, to our wonderful MC, Tom Empson, to Susan Bullock CBE and Richard Berkeley Steele for their invaluable help with the auditions and to the Royal Over-Seas Club for their help and support with this event – and finally, to Catherine Dobson and Werner Ullah.
Over 100 members attended this very enjoyable and successful event. We had 6 wonderful finalists, and although our only gentleman on the day, Louis Hurst, did not win a prize he was extremely well received by the audience and was delighted that Sir John took the time at the end to give him a mini- master class!!!
Katie Barnes has given a comprehensive review in the forthcoming Wagner News which will be with you in February and also on the website.